Site Evaluating Extension

Use it and you'll SEE!


What is SEE Tool?

img of site

SEE Tool is a browser extension that helps its users navigate the web without the risk of falling for miss information. It offers a variety of features that permit for better examination of a website and its contents.

Check them out!

eval reliablity icon

Evaluate reliability

  • Checks if the information on a website can be trusted
  • Performs research on the website’s institution and author
  • Flags commercial sites and sites with potential bias
summarize info icon

Summarize info

  • Reads all of the information on a website in record time
  • Creates a short summary of all of the important information
  • Generates citations and quotations automatically
search icon

Search easily

  • Finds all of the desired information efficiently
  • Directs users to mentions of the search term
  • Directs users to any synonyms of the given term
The pay icon

Pay Now!



It's Free!

  • Completely FREE
  • Access as many infomation as you want
  • Full searching features

$ 5

per month

Upgrade now!

  • Access the complete features of SEE!
  • Personalized searching experience
  • Customize your searching preferences

$ 54

per year

10% off!

  • Access the complete features of SEE!
  • Spend 10% less than monthly payment

Meet the SEEkers

We are a team of young entrepreneurs, who decided it was time to modernize the way we search the web. A diverse group of unexpected talents came together to make SEE-Tool available to every web user.

Ana Laura V.

Team Leader

Ana, the team leader, has the capacity to guide, inspire, and motivate her team.

Jenny Farag

Project developer

Oversees project operations and develops strategies that meet the needs of the team.

Sophie Hoang

Project designer

Supports the design and solution-related aspects of project development. The creator of our iconic logo.

Jack Du

Main developer

Jack is the one who maintains, adjusts, and in addition fixes codes. Constant source of ideas.

Yasmina Baba


Tests code in order to allow the extension to function properly. Pays atention to the smalest details.

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